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Crystals are sentient living beings
Sentient meaning / Ability for a living thing to perceive or feel things.
Experience emotion and experience the world around us.
Crystals can be beneficial to mental, physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.
Crystals Can be worn, placed in a room or clothing and therefore in your aura and immersed in your personal energy field.
The Crystal carry an electric charge. The longer you have a crystal the stronger it becomes.
I Use Many of The Crystals Within My Spiritual Work.
They Can differ from day to day.
My favourite Crystal
Enchanting Pure Amethyst said to be the purest protection to spiritual divine beings
Amethyst calls to my Soul
The Crystals added to the Jewellery collection are so Magical
Such Vibrational Properties attached to each one.
Crystals can help strengthen your Spiritual Connection with your Spiritual Journey
Raising the frequency and vibration of your Consciousness.
The Crystals vibration will choose you
for the many activations you are working through at that time.
You may be drawn to a different Crystal as you move through your Spiritual Journey.
Have a look around and see what Crystals choose you.
Amethyst Collection Bellow
Click The Link Bellow To View All Crystal Jewellery
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